
Showing posts from 2012

Back to Asana

One of the wonderful things about any yoga practice is that you can start where you are. I have been on and off my yoga mat for the last decade or more. It may seem that I can only call myself a sometimes (and fledgling)  yogini  though yoga in general is on my mind every day and I have other daily practices that follow the  eight limbs  such as breath work, mantra, and so on. As one of my teachers has relayed, "The body does not lie." I have a lot of tight muscles, imbalances, and to be fair, some extra parts that won't cooperate with me so well. All of these things get in the way of meditation, causing discomfort and agitation. Really, it gets in the way of living . I mean, how much easier would my pedestrian life be if my hips and calves were hydrated and limber? I would also have much more energy.  I often give fairly simple yoga exercises to my massage therapy clients as homework. Quite a few clients have begun implementing their homework and asking for more. I h

Can I Brag a Little Bit? (Testimonials!)

One of the recommendations I have received from some of the pro massage therapists in my community is to acquire testimonials from clients I have been working with over the last year at massage school. I have some (!) and I'd thought I'd share, as well as send a word out to others I have worked with that your testimonials help me to see that the work we have been doing is indeed facilitating some change. Please let me know how I'm doing and if you'd like to submit some testimonials, please do! You can do so here: . Just choose "testimonials" in the dropdown box and I will update the page as soon as I can with your feedback. In Service and Gratitude, Tameca. p.s. If you would like to see what folks are saying about my work, check it out: .

Body Sense Magazine, 2012

The new summer issue of Body Sense Magazine is here! --->